Monday, June 8, 2009

Duo spent a bit of time with Luke lately. We talked about lap dances, Olive Garden, mud butt and love making. Duo threw together this little list of what keeps Luke moderately sane when he’s on the road for a long period of time. Maybe you’ll learn something. Maybe you’ll just gawk at the one photo that Duo included. It’s a doozy.

1.Ventolin Inhaler.
Due to some smoking, I had some problem with my lungs and had to be warded in ICU once before. The inhaler would do a great deal to catch my breath again. AND YES SMOKING IS BAD.

Riding, crashing and intensive card tricks leads to sprains and muscle aches. What better than Yoko-Yoko.

3.PSP from LCS.
To kill time in the airport, train ride, in the toilet and more.

4.Extra Blanket.
As most of the time everyone or ALL of the riders are squeezed into one room, there ain't enough to go around.

5.Lip Balm
For those freaking cold countries. They crack your lips like a bitch.
